Definition: The interaction of mindsets with mind, body, spirit and environment.


Are you in same predicament or relationships again?

Find you can’t solve certain problems and move on? That is because your body and unconscious resist change. It takes a mind, body and spiritual shift in understanding to create lasting change. Are you thirsting for lasting change. Are you frustrated with your life and work. Do you have goals you just aren’t reaching?

Physiology Triggers Thoughts, Feelings and Actions

There are physiological and biochemical pattern, that are triggered by an event and causes a person to think, feel, perceive, act and react in automatic and unconscious ways. These responses can help us or hurt us. Changing the physiology through mindfulness, gives you control over your automatic responses. 

Mindsets Limit Our Capacity And Options

Beliefs and attitudes or Mindsets are the framework we use to make sense of our world.  Often they limit our capabilities and our accurate perception of the world. Our parents pass on their beliefs to their children who internalize them as their own. Then in adolescence there is a reevaluation and sorting of many of those beliefs. Beliefs or mindsets help us make sense and predict the world. They allows us to form habits and physiological patterns so that we can delegate these tasks to our unconscious. That is why when you first start to learn a new skill, like driving, it takes all your concentration.

Spiritual Self, Others And Higher Power

You have intuition, a sense of right and wrong and you were born with gifts and talents and a purpose and calling. Your spiritual nature is innate and with it you have the ability to have transcendent (beyond the physical and normal) relationship with yourself, others and a higher power. Many of us do not engage or listen to this part of ourselves and yet it is a powerful and transformative factor in our lives. Each of us has a unique spiritual nature that can be expressed and developed through religious practice, deep meaningful relationships  appreciation of nature and more. 

Lisa Miller, Author of The Spiritual Child, defines spirituality as distinctly different from a strict adherence to a particular religion. She writes, “Spirituality is an inner sense of a living relationship to a higher power (God, nature, spirit, universe, the creator, or whatever your word is for the ultimate loving guiding life-force)”; and,   “Spirituality is an untapped resource in our understanding of human development, resilience and illness, and health and healing.” 


Understanding and releasing unconscious misconceptions about our selves and the world has a profound healing effect. It allows us to shift our mindset, see new opportunities, love more deeply and enjoy life more. Living a life in alignment with our spiritual nature and our gifts is uniquely healthy and satisfying.  

Stress Can Be Good For You

Psychologist Alia Crum’s, research on stress at the Columbia University Behavioral Research Lab, is showing that reality is more subjective than we believe.  Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D in her book, “The Upside of Stress”, reports that Crum is finding that “By changing what people think about an experience, she can change what’s happening in their bodies…. Mindsets are beliefs that shape your reality, including objective physical relations and even long-term health, happiness and success.”