Life’s challenges typically show up mentally as a mindset, physiologically, and spiritually.  Using SocioSomatic Dynamics, which looks at the interactions among mind, body, spirit and environment I provide insights and experiences that help children gain understanding, resilience and confidence.  Adjusted for the child’s age, I provide experiences such as grounding, anchoring and mindfulness activities to engage children in the healing process. Play is an integral part of the healing processes.

I work with parents, providing insight, mindfulness exercises and ways they can nurture and help their children to be more compassionate and understanding and to  thrive.   

Coaching for you and your child begins with identifying your child’s strengths and goals.  In many cases focusing on strengths and goals provides the interest, resilience and determination that helps children push past challenges.

I remind you and your child of your spiritual nature and show you ways to connect with your intuition, resilience, joy and love.

I help children engage and use their personal spiritual relationships as a foundation for change and growth. Lisa L. Miller in her book The Spiritual Child, The New Science on Parenting for Health and Lifelong Thriving, makes a distinction between religion and a personal spiritual relationship with a higher power in self, others and universally. She surveys scientific research that shows that a developed spiritual nature is protective against depression, stress and anxiety. 

I look forward to meeting you and your child.