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Overwhelmed with Priorities?

“I don’t have time to prioritize, I’ve just got to get it done.”  We are so busy and our list is so long. Today, every call I had added 2-4 things on my page long to do list.  Yikes! 

How do we get a handle on everything that needs to get done?  Take a break and RELAX and prioritize!  YES.  Go outside and let your mind wander.  Then as a pivotal question.  What are the 3 most important things I can do today to help move my business to the next level?

Starting  with your goal in mind helps you see what has to get done versus what seems to be compelling reasons but aren’t. 

Urgent and Unimportant priorities:

  • Most pressing – fight those fires!
  • Easiest – Sweep the floor, answer these emails, check facebook.  We do these often when we are fatigued and need a break. 
  • Makes others happy – my boss, my spouse, the world will be pleased if I accomplish this task now.
  • Fear – Click on this button or you will lose out on this incredible offer!!!!!!!!

Are you launching your business?  It’s exciting to charge ahead! You have so many ideas and you can’t wait to get started!  But hold on!

Professional project managers start with initiation phase. It is often the phase that is skipped when starting a project and leads to literally thousands of $$ in sunk cost and missed deadlines.  Yet imagining and clarifying goals is critical to getting the job done.  

So take a break and relax.  Allow your mind to wander.  Imagine your future then set your priorities for the day.

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