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Power of Imagination

Taekwondo student was taking her black belt test in a week and could not break the board and would not pass without this move.  Find out what she did to succeed and how you can harness this same power to accomplish your goals. She learned powerful lesson she can use throughout her life. Check out Lee’s Taekwondo Academy in Stoughton.

An 11 year old Taekwondo student was taking her black belt test in 5 day.  She had to jump over 3 kids, do a flying side kick and break a 1 inch board before landing….not on the kids. She had never been successful breaking the board let alone over 3 kids, although she tried for over 3 years. I told her “imagine yourself running fast towards the kids, planting your foot right before the first kid, leaping into the air, sailing over the 3 kids and kicking the board and breaking it.”  I told her to imagine it over and over, at least 50 times with as much detail as possible. Over the next 5 days, she imagined sailing over the kids and breaking the board.  On the day of the test she broke the board perfectly and got her black belt. That is the power that you have to change situations and grow. 

Here is what you do….

  1. Get expert advice on how to master a situation – She and I went through exactly what had to happen and we practiced the individual parts of the move
  2. Find a time and spot without distractions for about 15 -20 minutes initially then practice in your mind whenever you have some time.
  3. Pick the situation you would like to master or overcome – jump over 3 kids, and break a board with a flying side kick
  4. Clarify the outcome.  – the board breaks the kids are not hurt
  5. Internalize the Identified steps to success – I worked with her to identify where she had to be when and what her mind set needed to be.
    1. She has to believe she could do it – this was the hardest because she believed she would fail and land on the kids
    1. She had to run fast, plan her foot sideways and jump so she would be in the right position in the air.
    1. She had to tuck her feet up so she would not stop her momentum by hitting the kids and at the last second extend her Left foot sharply which would break the board.
    1. Landing would happen naturally. 
  6. Practice in your mind – She practiced and practiced in her mind.  She changed her mindset from I can’t and I will fail to I can and will and the kids will be safe.  
  7. Go for it and master the situation! – She sailed over 3 kids and broke the board just as she has imaged and believed she could.

When internalize the identified steps to success you may notice gaps in what needs to happen.  Get guidance from experts.  Then fill in all the gaps. Imagine the scenario and many of the possible twists and turns to prepare yourself of the unexpected.  

Our minds cannot tell real from imagined, use this to your advantage and practice through imagination. You have the power to reach your goals.

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