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Five Fun Facts About Marcy!

  1. Former Kid – Love to swimming and play zoobie nerf games during weekly visits with boy in DCF custody.
  2. Gardening – since I was very young my mother grew flowers and taught me the names. I had a vegetable garden while raising my 4 kids. Now, I have flower and vegetable gardens, fruit trees and berry bushes.  Gardening not only relaxes and grounding me, I can get in some earthing while barefoot! 
  3. I have a private pilot license.  I used to fly Cessna 172 and Cirius. Now I am a flight coordinator for a non profit called Above the Clouds.
  4. I am a black belt in Taekwondo and taught kids at Lee’s Tae Kwon Do College.  I love watching kids learn and master Taekwondo! My favorite charity is Above the Clouds. Kids facing medical, emotional, socioeconomic challenges are paired with a pilot and flight coordinator and together we experience the joy and wonder of flight.  I am on the leadership council as well. What better way to change a child’s life for good. 
  5. I won the dance cup in college for my choreography and dance skills.  I later went on to  teach and perform contact improvisation dance in Boston, Maine, New Hampshire. One class had 100 people and I taught grounding and anchoring in addition to dance.