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Overcoming Conflict with Mindfulness

Do you find yourself engaged in a battle over the same things? With mindfulness you can change that. Here’s how.

Upset = I am in an automatic sequence of thoughts and physiological patterns that I cannot control or change in the moment!    Change habits and thought patterns using mindfulness exercises to uncover and change your approach to situations.  When you change, the situation will change. You get to move through contentious situations in a different more relaxed way.  

  1. Pick a situation that upsets you.
  2. Find a spot by yourself where you won’t be disturbed for about 20 minutes.
  3. Imagine the situation in as much detail as possible. Let it get ugly in your mind.
  4. When you are really upset, check in with your body.  How does your body feel?  Note places that are tense, and what areas of your body you are most aware of.  Notice what sensations and tension you feel in your body.  Are you agitated and not able to sit still?
  5. Lastly finish up with a relaxation exercise:
    1. Focus your attention on your feet and hands
    1. Imagine you are sitting by a river and it is your surroundings are beautify.
    1. Imagine a higher power is pouring delicious warm water which is full of light, love and healing energy on top of you.  It feels wonderful as it streams down your body and makes its way to a slow moving river.  It takes your tension and thoughts with it to the river.
    1. Take a deep breath and as you exhale imagine the wonderful water pouring through your body and taking away additional tension and thoughts. 
    1. Enjoy the physical feelings and intend that you will be able to recall this feeling when you want to.

When you practice moving from the upsetting situation to the calm relaxed state, you are training your body and mind to reaction in a different way.  You can practice the relaxation exercise before you get up, while driving in the car and over time during an upsetting situation. As you practice it will become easier to switch out of your upset pattern. People are often surprised if you don’t get upset.  What they say can be funny! Stick with it you can change.